The Illinois Police Officers Memorial Committee was established in 1985. Our monument in Springfield, Illinois bears the names of the officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving their communities. Every year on the first Thursday of May, we hold a ceremony to pay tribute to fallen officers and their families. We are grateful to all our contributors who have helped us keep these memories alive.
2025 Ceremony
Our 2025 Ceremony will be held on Thursday, May 1st. Officers killed in the line of duty during the calendar year’s 2024 will be honored. Ceremony information is below. Please refer to our Ceremony Tab for Information and registration for Honor Guards.
Thursday May 1, 2025 9:30 am - Interfaith Ceremony
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
524 East Lawrence Ave. (6th and Lawrence)
Springfield, IL 62705
Thursday May 1, 2025 11:00 am - 2025 Ceremony at the Illinois Police Officers Memorial Site, West lawn, Illinois State Capitol, 301 S 2nd St, Springfield, IL 62703
National Police Prayer
Almighty God, Father of all Mercies, we ask Thy Blessing and guidance upon all Law Enforcement Officers engaged in the protection of our citizens. Be with them in their lonely tours of duty while patrolling the busy streets of our cities and the remote area of the country. Give them the Blessings of Your Wisdom, to know and do what is right. Temper their actions with mercy and justice. When their tours are completed and the day is over, guide them safely home to their loved ones.
We also ask Thy Blessing and eternal rest to all our Brothers and Sisters who have sacrificed their very lives in the performance of their duties. Give to their loved ones the peace and strength to bear the anguish of their loss. Remove all resentment from their hearts, knowing that eternal peace and rest will abide over their departed loved one forever. This we beg in Thy name forever and ever. Amen
Survivors Prayer
Good and Gracious God, we are Survivors seeking healing for our broken hearts and broken spirits.
We are Survivors seeking understanding of something that is incomprehensible.
We are Survivors seeking comfort, in an inconsolable situation.
We are Survivors seeking faith, where our faith is being challenged and tested.
We are Survivors seeking hope, where all seems hopeless.
We are Survivors seeking love, a love that has been taken from us, yet we desperately cling to it.
We are Survivors seeking peace, peace in the knowledge that our loved one is with you, and, that one day, we will find peace in our hearts.
Lord, we thank you for your love and for the bond we Survivors share. We find strength in you and in one another.
Dear Lord, travel with all of us on our journey of healing. We pray that in your power and love, and through each other, we will find all that we seek.
Mary Anne Raymond Blair
Family Survivor
Hillside Patrolman Anthony Raymond
EOW 10-01-1972
© 2011. Illinois Police Officers' Memorial Committee. All Rights Reserved.